In a sonic maelstrom of boundary-obliterating extremes, Strategies Against Totalitarianism marshals protest through noise, while Xiphoid Dementia crafts crystalline brutality through abstract industrial landscapes. Snare Mori unleashes pure, uncompromising feedback chaos, as kqwiet navigates stormy sonic seas. Etherveil delivers raw, unsaved fury, while Worldwide Armageddon unites global noise-makers in a symphony of destruction. nastyskimmedmilk fries minds with psychedelic home recordings, as The Darts weave symphonic darkness through their sonic tapestry.

Showing only available releases (excludes items in your collection and without codes). Click here to see all releases.

Mouth of Life
Dust makes the beam visible

neo-classical / noise / dark ambient / drone / ambient

"Dust makes the beam visible reveals the ebb and thread of existence."

26 codes remaining


noisecore / avant garde / metal / industrial / noise

"!!!!!WAR METALGAZE!!!!!"

44 codes remaining

Seas Of Black Time

abstract / field recordings / noise / experimental / ambient

"A conceptual album based on thoughts of being on stormy seas and struggling to find the lighthouse in that sea of chaos and darkness."

39 codes remaining