A sonic assault on the senses: EFFTER's "Bilateral 602" descends into industrial chaos with noise-laden soundscapes, while "Comorbidity" channels nightmarish NIN-meets-Coil atmospherics. Ukuphambana delivers an eclectic IDM journey, as Apostolis Tziogkidis explores raw emotional turbulence through intense soundscapes. Snare Mori crafts tight, unpredictable rhythms in their "1000% normal" release, while Notoriously Ambiguous Artist Collective compiles a blueprint of experimental electronic explorations.

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Bilateral 602

breakbeat / piano / metal / industrial / noise / experimental / electronic

"Industrial, electro, ambient, noise and minimal piano components in a descending journey to chaos."

7 codes remaining

Snare Mori

dnb / harsh noise / breakcore / edm / industrial / hip hop / noise

"No lyrics, no message, 1000% normal."

31 codes remaining


dub / noise / drone / ambient

82 codes remaining