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No releases found for sophisti-pop. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Matt DeMello
Jennifer's Appendix, Vol. 2: 'The VoidFest 2020 Set That Should Have Been' (Streaming in Quarantine: 04​/​20​/​20)

adjacentwave / electronic-orchestral / kraut rock lullabies

"DeMello's first streaming festival"

9 codes remaining

Matt DeMello
Jennifer's Appendix, Vol. 1: 'To the Person I'll Always Be' (​.​.​.​Revisited)

all-purpose prog pop / genre-skeptic music history humor / singer-songwriter

"A hodge-podge of studio outtakes and demo tracks"

5 codes remaining


chill vibe / singer-songwriter / indie pop / indie / pop

"a smooth Sunday morning vibe"

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