Thunderous power rock erupts as Snatch the Snail delivers impatient alt-pop fury, while Romain Baret crafts a cyclical '70s-inspired progressive journey. Maul Tide weaves mathematical chaos with melancholic hooks, as Smokin Rock unleashes blazing Stratocaster lines and horn-driven bliss. Palila channels fuzzy Dinosaur Jr. energy, while blood.twin descends into darkwave atmospherics with industrial edge.

Showing all releases. Click here to see only releases with codes available.

Limnetic Villains
Logic Collapses

electro / indie / rock / alternative

"Eclectic, dark, electronic & organic"

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Laundre Narsú & Los Universos Zonoros
Mangle Ses​ƨ​ions ( DEMOS - AWAKENING )

acid house / stoner metal / progressive rock / chillwave / psychedelic rock / rock

"Bringing together various sonic-visual arts"

0 codes remaining

Supermarket Parking Lot
Normal Person

art rock / post-punk / punk / pop / rock / alternative

"Unrelenting and fast-paced retro"

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