
Showing all releases. Click here to see only releases with codes available.

Nutrias ~ El Alborotado sonido de las Nutrias

indie-pop / twee-pop / c86 / jangle-pop

"typifies the brilliance of jangly Spanish indie, tonto and twee-pop acts such as The Yellow Melodies, Madbil and early Autoescuela"

0 codes remaining

Camp Underground & Very Victorian

indie-pop / bedroom pop / jangle-pop / lo-fi

"can be construed as the most natural addition for those who already consider Elliott Smith, I Was A King and the recent sounds of Subjangle labelmates The Boltons and Shopfires"

68 codes remaining

Milk Aisle Gorbachev
Milk Aisle Gorbachev ~ "Trouble in the Milk Aisle" EP

indie-pop / twee-pop / c86 / jangle-pop

"Trouble in the Milk Aisle EP ticks just about every box for those that like their jangly indie-pop placed firmly within defiantly obtuse realms."

113 codes remaining