
Showing all releases. Click here to see only releases with codes available.

Mombi Yuleman
Witch-Works (Original Soundtrack)

hauntology / gothic / halloween / synth / retrowave / horror / goth / soundtrack / dark ambient / synthwave

"As you listen you will find yourself chased in a field full of living scarecrows, slog through a swamp of hungry jack-o-lanterns, stabbed by devil dolls and even find out that you should have let your parents check your candy before you eat it."

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Mombi Yuleman
Mesozoia Oceana (Drone/Dark Ambient)

paleolithic / prehistoric / aquatic / gothic / horror / goth / soundtrack / cinematic / soundscape / dark ambient

"We dive into the depths of the ocean millions of years ago to explore the sounds of marine life during a prehistoric era."

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Mombi Yuleman
Old Photographs (Soundtrack/Dark Ambient)

hauntology / gothic / halloween / synth / horror / goth / soundtrack / lo-fi / dark ambient / experimental

"This EP evokes a sense of wonder in finding hidden photographs in a dark and forbidden area."

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