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The Happy Somethings
Caught in the Web (EP)

It may seem a tad contrarian for a band to cite “…songs that seem to be about our ambivalence towards social media” on the Bandcamp release page for this Caught In The Web EP only to then devote six full songs, packed with unfettered vitriol upon the subject they are so nonchalant about.
But then this enigmatic The Happy Somethings jangly twee-pop trio consisting of Happy, Joy and Jolly (for several years now the Derbyshire, UK based act have kept their true identities a secret and band pictures have been cartoon of dolls) have never really conformed to any sort of societal norm.

Battered with sarcasm, satire and a deep sense of sardonic the trio express the dysfunction of social media and the denizens that frequent it, with an energy that would be all things Karen and/or Kevin if it was not just so incredibly true.

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