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No releases found for sophisti-pop. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Bombast Gono

hamburg / jazzy / lo–fi / synthwave / experimental / electronic

"Not number one but here to have fun - Real emotion, no strings. And no refund."

0 codes remaining

jiN kAbAL

political punk / uk punk / us punk / street punk / punk rock / punk

"punks for FREE PALESTINE!"

51 codes remaining

Milk Aisle Gorbachev
Milk Aisle Gorbachev ~ "Trouble in the Milk Aisle" EP

twee-pop / c86 / indie-pop / jangle-pop

"Trouble in the Milk Aisle EP ticks just about every box for those that like their jangly indie-pop placed firmly within defiantly obtuse realms."

139 codes remaining
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