
indie / blues rock

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No releases found for indie / blues rock. See if these releases are what you're looking for:

Cars & Brides
Italian Disco Summer


"This is a vibrant celebration of Disco rhythms, blending Italo Disco, Euro Disco, and Dance Pop into an infectious collection of tracks that capture the essence of Italy’s sun-soaked nightlife, featuring both classic and modern remixes of 'Italian Summer.'"

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Bolland & Bolland
Darwin The Evolution

synth pop

"This is a pioneering album that fuses Pop Rock with Synthpop and Alternative Rock, delivering an innovative and melodic listening experience through its epic arrangements and experimental approach."

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Sfalma Tas Frenas
Illiminal Creatures

orchestral / horror / progressive / metal / experimental

"Sfalma Tas Frenas, as in Greek for 'Error of the Mind', because there's something wrong with us all."

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