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Ty Walker & The Humanoids
Where the Hell is Roscoe?

From an outsider’s perspective, it may seem puzzling why a group of ragtag extraterrestrials, an abducted Montanan songwriter, a seemingly cyborg, and myself (‘Jimbo’ as they often call me) chose a geometric dome just outside of Portland, Oregon to record their debut record “Where the Hell is Roscoe?”. Well, I was puzzled at first as well. I said to Glarzak “Why don;t we record in the ship?! We have all we need. Or Gonton’s state of the art studio on the edge of Glarphonia’s shadowland?!” Both those options would produce otherworldly production value in my humble opinion. Anyway, Glarzak replies “This is where Zeob told us to go. She gave us exact coordinates. She says this location lies directly on a cosmic leyline and the vibrations are just right”.

So that’s what we did. In October of 2021 we headed to this land, a couple acres, hidden in the trees, and there were two geometric structures. Once quite large, the other other quite small. We slept in the small one, and made noises in the big one. What was my role? Well, I guide Ty Walker (and Lord knows he needs it), some say I’m his sage. Others say I don’t exist. Who cares what others say?

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