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Long Shadows

Though it may feel like it at times, life didn't stop in March 2020 - instead, for many of us, it sparked changes great and small in how we live, work, and view the world around us. For Bournemouth-based tunesmiths and agitproppers STOCKSNSKINS, physical distance and personal growth added a fresh dimension to their music - culminating in their new Long Shadows EP. Says Rich, 'The songs were written, arranged, and recorded at home, not in a studio. The latter especially was a real departure for us in terms of how we created music. Ade's vocals were often done in one take on Long Shadows. We felt that helped capture much of the flow of his vocal style and passion in his lyrics and delivery. The EP is more bass-led and features ad-libs from Ade as well as an appearance from my son Wilf on guitar - again something of a change from our previous creative process.' Ade describes the tracks as having 'darker themes inspired by darker times, but then we were never very likely to write a pop song! They're full of discontent and highlight our dissatisfaction with the clowns who rule us. The beat goes on, but increasingly, it's breaking down more and more, and occasionally exploding.'

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