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Raidio Tony

R2024A is Raidio Tony's first release. It contains songs that fall mostly in the rock and pop genre's but sound like they're from the 80's and 90's era. There are a few songs that fall outside of this description, for example Star Spangled Banner and a purely acoustic guitar piece.

Overall, about 85% of the music was AI generated and 15% performed by instruments. On the vocal side, 100% of the singing was AI generated. The lyrics are 100% human generated. In addition to this interesting production mix, each song has it's own story as well.

I That I is a remake of the 80s classic from Boston, "Amanda". However, the music is completely different and the lyrics have been altered. The original song is about a man (the singer) who realizes he's fallen in love with his girlfriend (Amanda). So, he now must tell her but first must build up the courage to blurt it out, a difficult thing for most of us to do in real life. In Boston's version, he successfully tells her "I love you" many times throughout the song. In my version, he never does, each time he trips up and only manages to blurt out "I....that I....".

Left Behind is about my wifes struggle with her career due largely to changes driven by AI automation and her age. I thought it was interesting to use music generated by AI to describe anxiety generated by AI.

Mood For A Clap is a beautiful acoustic guitar piece that's a tribute to Steve Howe, lead guitarist for Yes and Asia. Steve put out 2 acoustic guitar pieces in his career whose difficulty to play are legendary among guitarists.

Sexy Lives Matter is satire. It represents the views of "Lisa Zoolander", cousin of Derek Zoolander, concerning the BLM movement and naturally is a pop/dance track.

Star Spangled Banner features an AI voice model of Pavarotti singing. Pavarotti, being Italian, never sang the song in real life but now we can enjoy it as only he could perform it. The voice track is monophonic, absolutely no effects or chorusing - just the way he would have sounded in front of a single microphone in a large stadium.

The Summer of 84 is an autobiographical pop/adult contemporary tale inspired by Bryan Adam's rock/pop hit, The Summer of 69.

Try Selling Real Estate is about the bad advice my wife got that prompted her to get into it. After she went back to some of the same people and relayed her disappointment about ever getting into the field, they doubled down and told her she should become a broker...

The album closes with a 4 minute 80's style guitar driven hard rock instrumental. It's part Van Halen, part Ratt and part Jason Stafford (my musical collaborator). An epic road trip song.

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