when you get hit by a train other people feel it.
'when you get hit by a train other people feel it' is a harsh, glitchy noize album made from a series of electronic improvisations.
the album explores anxiety, that tingle in the back of your spine you sometimes get, screaming into a pillow, transperth, the performer-audience dynamic, doxxing yourself, meditation, hypotheticals that cause existential spirals, lite and easy frozen meals, the cycle of breathing, bad therapy, oversharing in blogposts, people standing too close to you, not being the right size for cool pants, artsy camcorder footage, quentiapine, q-tips, $70 t-shirts...
but predominantly it's about big BRRR sounds and getting hit by a train.
recorded in Bespoke Synth
processed in Reaper
released by Burnt Seed Records
art and sound by Izabelle French (onetwotwofour)
'when you get hit by a train other people feel it' was recorded on whadjuck nyoongar boodja. i pay my respect to the land and it's people, and who own this land forever.
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