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Noise For No One
Maiden Voyage

We are proud to present 'Maiden Voyage', the amazing new release from Noise For No One (Joshua N Grove) out now on Burnt Seed Records. Crafted with handmade instruments, synthesizers, found sounds, and intricate textures, Noise For No One pushes the boundaries of sonic artistry with this exceptional release, venturing into uncharted musical territories.

"Time is evading me as I stare out to the endless water. The salty wind blows on my face. The vastness of the sky gives me a feeling of uncertainty. I am out by myself with no one to share it with.The engines far below the ships Deck, are throbbing on and on. The waves hitting the bows and the rattle of people are blurring together. When will the noises end? I don’t know. If only I had made better decisions, I would be somewhere else. I have made mistakes, but This Journey will still take me to my destination."

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