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Fragile Creatures
Garden of Eden

"Garden of Eden" was written in the thick of the pandemic, a time that stirred deep anxieties and expansive thoughts about humanity. Who are we? How did we get here? But ultimately, this track speaks to the art of letting go—letting go of ego, embracing existence, and just being. Musically, it's a thrilling fusion: hints of The Beatles and Queen merge with some funky syncopation inspired by Vulfpeck, but in the hands of Fragile Creatures, it becomes something fresh and unexpected. What started as a chaotic mix of ideas—musically and lyrically—has coalesced into a joyful romp, a song that defied our expectations of what would work.

We're releasing teaser tracks leading up to the December 31st release of our third album, "Play Both Sides," available on CD and vinyl. Grab a free Bandcamp download code for "Garden of Eden" from GetMusic.FM, and don't forget to follow us on Bandcamp to catch every new song as it drops!

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