
moon musiq

moon musiq is a netlabel created as a way for the members of the Yugo wave / dark wave / industrial / italodisco DEEP DIVE DISCORD server to create music together and to distribute it online for anyone to enjoy.
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Showing only available releases (excludes items in your collection and without codes). Click here to see all releases.

Various Artists - moon musiq

experimental electronic / industrial / dark ambient

"This description is intentionally left blank"

10 codes remaining

Chaos Doll
Find Beauty in Broken Things (Remix EP)

electronic dance music / glitch / industrial

"Industrial glitch chaos with hints of hypnotic suggestion"

312 codes remaining

Various Artists - moon musiq
Small Sounds for Small Bugs

gimmick / insects / industrial / noise / experimental / electronic / ambient

"30-second tracks about bugs"

44 codes remaining

Cervine Birth
Dedicated to Social Worker Georgia Anne Brown

ant hill kids / minimal wave / tribute / lo-fi / ambient

"a somber, yet beautiful tribute"

91 codes remaining

Various Artists - moon musiq
Exotic Functions: A Very Friendly Tribute to Throbbing Gristle

tribute / industrial / noise / dark ambient / experimental / electronic

"A tribute to Throbbing Gristle"

80 codes remaining

Various Artists - moon musiq
Supersexy Slasher Sounds

halloween / industrial / noise / dark ambient

"Tracks with horror movie samples."

1 code remaining

Various Artists - moon musiq
Urban Graves for Feral Souls

magick / witchy / weird / industrial / noise / dark ambient / experimental / electronic

"Witches, witchcraft, and magick."

10 codes remaining

Jaki Herzlich
Playful Tinkerings of Wondrous Noises

minimal / progressive / atmospheric / industrial / noise / dark ambient / experimental / ambient

"Creative electronic headspace"

17 codes remaining

Various Artists - moon musiq

avant-garde / industrial / experimental / electronic

"All proceeds go to"

24 codes remaining
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