
Various Artists (I Heart Noise)

Skyjelly - Skyjelly is a band from Fall River that plays in a scary old mill – one floor up from a mean Southern Rock band who wondered if they were having séances (they weren’t) (not really, anyway).

Solilians - a dream laden , slow motion drone that stretches out like a mirage fueled ride through a burning desert

Various Artists (I Heart Noise)
2024 Sampler

avant rock / experimental rock / psychedelic rock / ambient

"30 tracks in a variety of genres - from post-punk to ambient"

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Various Artists (I Heart Noise)
Theory Of Everything

avant rock / experimental rock / psychedelic rock / ambient

"40+ tracks spanning rock music, electronic sounds/ambience/drone and anything in between!"

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Various Artists (I Heart Noise)
In the Running 2​.​5

avant rock / psychedelic rock / experimental / ambient

"Tracks by Skyjelly and Solilians"

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